The Speakers of the II. International Conference: Our Revolution: Liberating Life
5-6 Novemberr 2022, Berlin/Germany
Meghan Bodette
Meghan Bodette is Director of Research at the Kurdish Peace Institute inWashington, D.C. She received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, where she concentrated in international law, institutions, and ethics. She has briefed officials from governments and international institutions on her research relating to the rights and status of women under various political and military actors in the Syrian conflict.
Nilüfer Koç
Nilüfer Koç born in Ardahan, northern Kurdistan, is member of theExecutive Council and spokesperson for the Commission on ForeignRelations of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK). Her currentprimary political focus is the improvement of national dialogue amongstpolitical parties and civil society organisations in Kurdistan. Parallel tonational unity efforts, Nilüfer is also active in the international arenain raising awareness of the right to self-determination for the Kurdishpeople and ...
Mariam Rawi
Mariam Rawi is a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Womenof Afghanistan (RAWA). As a refugee child in Pakistan, she was deprivedof an education until she had the opportunity to attend a RAWA school. ere, she not only learned to read and write, but also became consciousof the need to fight for women’s rights. She joined RAWA in 1996 andhas been an active member of the group ever since, participating in itspolitical, diplomatic, cultural, education and social activities.
Lolita Chavez
Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic is a member of of the Consejo de PueblosK’iche’s (CPK), a movement of anti-patriarchal, anti-imperialist, anticolonial,anti-neoliberal, anti-extractivist peoples and communities thatwas founded in 2007 to confront the effects of the Free Trade Agreementbetween Central America and the United States (FTAA). In 2017, she wasa nalist for the European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize. She is from theoriginal Mayan people in Ixim Ulew (corn land), misnamed Guatemala.
Ariel Saleh
Ariel Salleh is a member of the Global University for Sustainability; Visiting Professor at Nelson Mandela University; former Associate in Political Economy, University of Sydney and Fellow in Post-Growth Societies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena. By revaluing care skills and Indigenous knowledges, Salleh challenges justice and sustainability discourses from the neoliberal ‘green economy’ to eco-socialism. See Ecofeminism as Politics (2017/1997), Eco-Su ciency & Global Justice (2009), Pluri...
Genevieve Vaughan
Genevieve Vaughan is an independent researcher, author and editor of several books, founder of the multicultural all-woman Foundation for a Compassionate Society (1988-2005), the temple to Ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet in the Nevada desert near the nuclear test site (1992 – present), and the International Feminists for a Gi Economy network (2001-present). Her websites are and, where you can sign up for free bi-weekly Zoom salons on all...
Kavita Krishnan
Kavita Krishnan is a feminist activist with the All India ProgressiveWomen’s Association. She had previously served as a politburo and centralcommittee member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist)Liberation, and is known for her activism against sexual violence. She isthe author of the book Fearless Freedom.
Rahila Gupta
Rahila Gupta is a freelance journalist, writer, activist and longstanding member of Southall Black Sisters, one of the UK‘s leading organisations for Black and minority women. They have spearheaded many important campaigns on domestic violence, for example on abused women who kill, and on changes to immigration rules. Her books include a collection of essays she edited, From Home- breakers to Jailbreakers: Southall Black Sisters (2003). Her articles have been published in the Guardian, New Human...
Niemat Kuku Mohamed
Niemat Kuku Mohamed is a women’s rights activist and development expert. She is the founder of the Gender Centre for Research and Training in Sudan. She has more than 25 years of research experience and her work has been published in various books and journals.
Dilar Dirik
Dilar Dirik is an activist, political sociologist, and writer. She is currently researching and teaching at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. She is author of the book “The Kurdish Women’s Movement: History, Theory, Practice” (Pluto Press, 2022) and she is active in the Kurdish women’s movement in Europe.
Dr. Anjila al-Maamari
Dr. Anjila Sultan Al-Maamari is an academic professor specialising in mental health and psychological support. She is a consultant on issues including citizenship, democracy, peacebuilding, and women’s rights. She is an expert in qualitative research studies and preparing general policy papers. She is a co-founder of the Civil Conglomerate for Taiz Youth, of which she is currently the director, as well as the co-founder and head of the peace portfolio for the Woman for Yemen Network.
Marta Dillon
Marta Dillon, from Argentina, is a writer, journalist and lesbian feministactivist. She is editor of the las12 supplement of Página 12, host of theradio program Pasamos Todes and member of the Colectivo NiUnaMenos.
Elif Kaya
Elif Kaya is a member of the Jineoloji Academy and is on the board of Jineoloji journal. She was arrested for her political activities while she was a student and spent many years in prison. A er her release in 2003, she worked in different aspects of the Kurdish women’s movement. In 2009, she was arrested again for her political activities. In 2014, she took part in the publication of the book Jineoloji Discussions, alongside other imprisoned women. Her articles appear in different magazines a...
Jules Falquet
Jules Falquet is currently a Full Professor in Philosophy at Paris 8 St Denis University, in France. She is a lesbian and feminist activist and has lived and worked in Mexico, El Salvador and other parts of Latin America and the Caribbean. She is a member of the Laboratoire d’études et de recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie (Study and Research Center for the Contemporary Logics of Philosophy, LLCP). Her latest book is Imbrication : Femmes, race et classe dans les mouveme...
Benedetta Argentieri
Benedetta Argentieri is an Italian journalist, writer, and documentary film director. Since 2014 she has been working in the Middle East, writing about war, and focusing on women and their struggles. Her latest film, The Matchmaker, was presented at the Venice Film Festival.
Deniz Abukan
Deniz Abukan is an activist with the Free Women’s Movement (TJA). She got involved in women’s activism while a student at Dicle University. She was imprisoned for seven and a half years for her work, and has been working with the TJA since she was released.
Jade Daniels
Jade Daniels is an organiser, narrative strategist, author, interdisciplinaryand digital artist based in Long Beach, California. She currently serves asCommunications Manager and primary graphic designer for the BlackLGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (@officialBLMP). Jade also specialises inherbalism and traditional medicine-making, serves as an EMT - certi edcommunity medic and trainer, and is a white belt student in Ra- LifeUrban Self Defense in community survival and defence techniques..
Asya Abdullah
Asya Abdullah is the Co-Chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) inNorth and East Syria. She has held the Co-Chair position before, and hasalso served as the Co-Chair of the Movement for a Democratic Society(TEV-DEM), as a member of the Executive Council of Kongra Star, and asa co-founder of the Women’s Council of North and East Syria. When ISISattacked Kobane in 2014, she took part in the defence of the city. She alsoplays an important role in international and intra-Kurdish diplomacy.
Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás
Vilma Rocîo Almendra Quiguanás is a founder of and active participantin the “Fabric of Communication and External Relations for Truth andLife” of the “Association of Cabildos del Norte de Cauca-ACIN”. She iscurrently a member of “Pueblos en Camino”, an initiative that seeks toweave resistance and autonomy between peoples and processes. She holdsa Master’s in Sociology from the Meritorious Autonomous University ofPuebla, Mexico. She is the daughter of a Nasa mother and a Misak father,both ...
Heza Sengal
Featured in the documentary Heza (Strength), Heza engal is a Yezidiactivist and survivor of genocide who fought against ISIS after escapingfrom the group.
Havin Guneser
Havin Guneser is an engineer, journalist and woman’s rights activist whowrites and speaks extensively on the political thought of Abdullah Öcalan.She is one of the spokespersons of the “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan-Peace in Kurdistan’’ international initiative. She is the translator of severalof Öcalan’s books and the author of The Art of Freedom.
Haskar Kirmizigul
Haskar Kirmizigul has been a women’s rights activist for more than 20years. She has worked as a journalist with Sorgul Women’s Journal andwith Roj TV. Her work has been published by Kurdish newspapers likeYeni Özgür Politika, Newaya Jin and Komun Academy and has beentranslated into various languages. She has given lectures on jineolojiand the Kurdish women’s movement in European and Latin Americancountries. She is currently a member of the editorial board of Jineolojijournal and a produce...
Montes Jovita Mataro
Jovita Mataro Montes, or “Obeth” to her family and friends, has morethan 20 years of experience handling cases of violence against women andchildren. She is the head psychologist for psychosocial counselling of theGABRIELA Advocacy Program and Services for Women and ChildrenProgram. For two terms, she has held the position of GABRIELA DeputySecretary-General for External Affairs.
Boushra Ali
Boushra Ali is president of the JÎN Women’s Association and member of the presidency of the NADA Alliance (Regional Democratic Women’s Alliance in the Middle East and North Africa). She is a Kurd from Syria, a civil engineer graduate, writer and translator.
Gemeinsam Kaempfen
Gemeinsam Kämpfen, or “Fighting Together” was launched on 25November 2017 as a “feminist campaign for self-determination anddemocratic autonomy”. The aim of the campaign was to make the ideas ofthe revolution of the self-governing region of Northern and Eastern Syriabetter known in Germany. Our focus is on an internationalist connectionwith the women’s movement.
Irem Gelkus
Irem Gelkus is the Communications and Publications Officer at theWomen’s Human Rights – New Solutions Association. She holds a degreein sociology from Bogaziçi University. For more than ve years, she hasparticipated in platforms and organizations in the feminist movement and women’s movement, including Women Strong Together, the Implementthe Istanbul Convention campaign group, Cracked Ground, and theMarch 8th Feminist Night March and November 25thInternationalDay for the Elimination of V...
Ñizol Lonko Juana Calfunao
Juana Calfunao Paillalef is Lonko of Lof Juan Paillalef, (Communeof Cunco, Araucanía Region, Chile). She has a prominent role in theresistance movement of the Mapuche people, in defence of her ancestrallands and in opposition to human rights violations committed against hercommunity by companies that carry out development and infrastructureprojects in the region.
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