Women Weaving the Future-II. International Conference 2022
Dear comrades, dearfriends,
On August 3, 2014, theso-called Islamic State committed a genocide on the Ezidi communityin Shengal. Thousands of people were massacred, and even more weredisplaced. Women and children were abducted by this brutal group,which used sexualized violence and exploitation as a building blockof its power. Ezidi women have resisted from day one and theycontinue to do so daily. The whereabouts of hundreds of people arestill unknown....
On December 23, 2022, three Kurdish activists, Emine Kara (also known as Evîn Goyi),
Abdurrahman Kızıl and Mehmet Şîrîn Aydin (known by his artist’s name: Mîr Perwer)
were brutally murdered in Paris. This targeted massacre of the Kurdish community in
Paris caused a deep wound in the hearts of the Kurdish people and their friends. It
was immediately associated with another massacre of Kurds in Paris: the triple
feminicide of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan, and Leyla Şaylemez on January 9, 2013.
These two cases, almost exactly 10 years apart, are expressions of a wide-ranging
warfare that aims to annihilate the Kurdish people’s quest for liberation and
democracy. The fact that leading revolutionary women were assassinated in both
cases is an indicator of both the women’s liberationist character of our movement and
fascism’s contempt for struggling women. In both cases, although the circumstances
differ in some ways, the Kurdish community has been pointing to the Turkish state
intelligence as the organizer and executor of these crimes.
More than 700 participants from 50 countries were present to exchange ideas in the spirit of women's liberation in the fight against fascism, capitalism, fundamentalism and patriarchy.
This tree with its colorful threads interwoven into its branches stands for the connectedness of women’s struggles in all different parts of the world.
Dieser Baum mit seinen bunten Fäden in seinen Ästen steht für die Verbundenheit der Frauenkämpfe in allen Teilen der Welt.
Jin Jiyan Azadi – from Abya Yala to Kurdistan.
To all women, dear friends,
The past few years have once again shown us the importance of resistance and struggle against the
systems that impose exploitation, misery, and death on us. As we have seen during the Covid-19
pandemic, with the help of the state, the patriarchal and capitalist system deepens its methods to
deprive women, peoples, workers, farmers, and laborers of their right to live. Today, everywhere, we
are confronted with war, occupation, violence, with feminicide, genocide, and ecocide... Read more.
Main topics of the conference
Session I: World War III and Smashing the Armor of Immunity of the State and the Dominant-Male
Session II: Workshops
For more information, please click
Session III: Becoming—The Desired Life Will Come Not through Miracles but through Revolution
Feminism—the Rebellion of the Oldest Colony and What Lies Beyond It
Session IV: Our Vision: Building Free Life
Session V: Finding Our Way
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî: Why a Supranational Women’s Organization? What Is the Proposal for Woman’s World Democratic Confederalism?
For more information, please click
The Speakers of the II. International Conference: Our Revolution: Liberating Life
5-6 Novemberr 2022, Berlin/Germany
COPYRIGHT © 2022 Network Women Weaving the Future - All rights reserved.